Category Archive for: News

« Legal news on whistleblower protection » by Harmonie Seralini

An article from the French newspaper Le Parisien, published on 7 February 2020, reported:“Li Wenliang was hailed as a whistleblower by public opinion and the government after being silenced by the authorities. On December, 30, 2019, the young doctor had reported the information that a virus similar to SARS was spreading in Wuhan.” Li Wenliang…

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To believe that Roundup is Glyphosate, the most common mistake

Still today, most journalists and the media, and even some scientists, confuse glyphosate and Roundup. This is the most widely used herbicide in the world, including on agricultural GMOs in which it penetrates, like in our bodies. Among all pesticides, it is the major class. This is because the company Monsanto (now Bayer) declared only…

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Nos maisons ont souvent un arbre dans le cœur

« Nos maisons ont souvent un arbre dans le cœur », poésies, contes, et tableaux : le nouveau livre de Gilles-Eric Seralini, Ed. Muse, 395 p., 2020. Scientifique, l’auteur a publié une quinzaine d’ouvrages dont les derniers chez Flammarion et Actes Sud. Poète, il réunit ici ses œuvres récompensées par plusieurs prix littéraires. Il est traduit en plusieurs…

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After COVID-19

Many people died around the world from this epidemic of a new coronavirus. Man-made genetic modifications have been suggested from its DNA sequence studies, coming from the AIDS virus, even by a Nobel Prize who discovered it, Prof. Luc Montagnier, specialist in virology. At this point, it is hard to know the truth.          We…

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Fraud with European Union to say that GMOs are not toxic

Demand for retraction of a fraudulent paper saying that GMOs containing high levels of Roundup and glyphosate are not toxic on a long term, by contrast to what we have proven! High conflicts of interests and poisoned controls to insist on the fact that the diseases observed are « normal ». A more and more common way…

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GMOs and roundup: Similar long term toxicities due to glyphosate formulations

JUST PUBLISHED – February 2020VIENT DE PARAÎTRE – Février 2020 (in french below) GMOs AND ROUNDUP: SIMILAR LONG TERM TOXICITIES DUE TO GLYPHOSATE FORMULATIONSGlyphosate is associated with carcinogenic petroleum additives and heavy metals in pesticides (formulations, which are always mixtures). This penetrates and bioaccumulates in most edible agricultural GMOs, causing liver, kidney and hormonal damages, induces tumors.…

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Our last books – Nos derniers livres

OUR LAST BOOKS – NOS DERNIERS LIVRES We hope these will be translated soon – the first one is, already “The great health scam” (see below). Avec Jérôme Douzelet « Poisons caches ou plaisirs cuisinés » (Actes Sud) montre déjà les poisons cachés non déclarés dans les pesticides et les aliments ; ces découvertes (voir nos Research Papers)…

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Le saumon : OGM et contaminations

Le saumon dans la cuisine traditionnelle française a longtemps été réservé aux repas de fêtes. Péché frais dans des eaux non polluées, c’est un repas excellent et nutritif. Nous en sommes restés souvent là culturellement, et la publicité se charge de maintenir cette image. Son élevage intensif dans les dernières décennies et son industrialisation à…

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Great victory for the health of humans

GREAT VICTORY FOR THE HEALTH OF HUMANS: ROUNDUP AND NUMEROUS PESTICIDES ARE SOLD ILLEGALLY IN EUROPE, AND IN THE WORLD See documents in Supports and views En français ci-dessous Defendants, having degraded Roundup cans illegally authorized by many states, are defended by Me Guillaume Tumerelle (center) with the advice of the work of Prof. Seralini…

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Les malhonnêtes perdront

English follows  LES MALHONNETES PERDRONT Nos recherches montrent la malhonnêteté criminelle des firmes en combines avec des agences sanitaires. Non seulement nos études ont été republiées (2014) après leur rétraction par compromission (2013), mais reconfirmées sur la grande toxicité du Roundup dans deux publications dont Scientific Reports (Nature, 2017), et JAMAIS contredites. Les poisons cachés…

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