Category Archive for: News

We eat petroleum residues in junk food every day

The last interview in french of Professor Seralini, August 2023. Read and download the interview here.

The truth about Glyphosate

The journalist Chris Jeffries’ interview of Prof. Gilles-Eric Seralini during August 2023 on his recent research and horrible attacks by lobbies that necessitated a Court action that will be on September 1st.

Lobbies don’t leave me

The lobbies supported by Monsanto-Bayer go through journalists and the press to defend their agriculture for death. They attacked me, I can’t take it anymore… The trials take place on September 1, 2023 in Paris. Can you support or help? Even financially (this site), but this time not for research, to pay the lawyers! Details…

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Important international meeting

Video in English TO SUPPORT A GMO AND PESTICIDES-FREE MEXICOThe scientific evidence is presented there in English, Prof. Seralini participation is from 1:32:40 to 2:01:45 but you can enjoy all of it !

Our body is an ecosystem

THE ROLE OF YEASTS IN OUR MICROBIOTA : A NEW POWER FOR DETOXIFICATION DOI: HYPERLINK The intestinal microbiota is an ecosystem where bacteria, archaea, viruses, and protists, are entangled, but not alone. We take microbiota as the bacterial community because, in many historical papers, the probes to detect other organisms in the intestine were rarely…

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Oil discovered in pesticides: a toxicological revolution

Toxicological studies on pesticides largely focus on the declared active ingredient, which constitutes only a few percent to 50% of the total formulation. The complete formulations as used everywhere are not revealed by manufacturers. For each declared active ingredient, there are dozens or even hundreds of formulations. We demonstrate that petroleum has always been and…

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Glyphosate, Roundup and the Failures of Regulatory Assessment

Citation: Novotny, E. Glyphosate, Roundup and the Failures of Regulatory Assessment.Toxics 2022, 10, 321. Link:  Academic Editor: Gilles-Eric Seralini Just published in Toxics (Impact Factor 4.4) by Eva Novotny, University of Cambridge, UK; contact: weed-killer Roundup containing glyphosate (and other compounds) is widely claimed at a regulatory level to be safe for people,…

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Transparency on food pollution in non-organic and organic equivalent products

Multinational companies that manufacture pesticides have a habit of lying and hiding data proving that they know the dangers of their products. This was clearly shown by the Monsanto Papers (1). They do not carry out long-term tests on pesticides which are commercial mixtures with very toxic undeclared products, and which many are considered as…

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Los papeles de Monsanto

9 May 2022 – Our last book published in Spain and Latin America, it demonstrates the dishonesty of Monsanto, Bayer, governments and  regulatory agencies about the hidden poisons they authorize besides glyphosate and other declared active ingredients in pesticides ! It is the translation of our book in french and english with Jérôme Douzelet on the Monsanto…

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Our last interview with Robert Kennedy Jr

Our last interview with Robert Kennedy Jr, one of the most famous lawyers in the States, who has helped to win against Monsanto-Bayer, about our last book:–Gilles-Eric-Seralini-e1ggbn8

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